Maine Vehicle Titles

Instructions for Signing a Vehicle Title in Maine When Selling Private Party

Selling a vehicle in Maine involves transferring the ownership from the seller to the buyer. To ensure a smooth transaction, it is important to properly sign the vehicle title. Here are step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process:

1. Locate the Title: Find the original title certificate for the vehicle. This document is crucial for transferring ownership. Make sure there are no liens or pending loans on the vehicle before proceeding. If there are liens, you need to satisfy them before selling the vehicle.

2. Prepare the Bill of Sale: Although not mandatory in Maine, it is highly recommended to complete a Bill of Sale to establish a record of the transaction. Include relevant details like the date of sale, buyer’s and seller’s names, addresses, contact information, vehicle make, model, year, identification number (VIN), selling price, and any specific terms or conditions. Both the buyer and seller should sign the document. Keep a copy for your records.

3. Seller’s Section: On the vehicle title, locate the “Assignment of Title by Seller” section on the back. Fill in the required information as follows:

– Print and sign your name as it appears on the front of the title.

– Provide your complete address, including city, state, and ZIP code.

– Enter the date of the sale using the appropriate format (mm/dd/yyyy).

– Note the vehicle’s current odometer reading accurately.

4. Buyer’s Section: Instruct the buyer to fill out the “Assignment of Title by Buyer” section. They must:

– Print and sign their name as it appears on the front of the title.

– Provide their complete address, including city, state, and ZIP code.

– Enter the date of the sale using the appropriate format (mm/dd/yyyy).

5. Odometer Disclosure Statement: Both the buyer and seller need to complete the Odometer Disclosure Statement section on the back of the title. If the vehicle is ten years old or older, this section is not required. Otherwise:

– Provide the vehicle’s current odometer reading accurately in miles.

– The seller must sign and print their name.

– The buyer must sign and print their name.

6. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Verification: In Maine, VIN verification is not required for most private sales. However, if the buyer plans to register the vehicle out of state, they should contact the appropriate state authorities to inquire about VIN verification requirements.

7. Complete the Transaction: Once the necessary sections are properly filled out and signed, hand over the signed title to the buyer. Provide a copy of the Bill of Sale, if applicable.

8. Reporting the Sale: Although not mandatory, it is recommended that the seller notifies the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) about the sale within ten days using a Notice of Sale form. This helps protect the seller from future liability related to the vehicle.

Remember, the buyer should visit the nearest BMV office to transfer the title into their name, register the vehicle, and pay any applicable taxes and fees. The buyer will need the signed title, a completed Application for Certificate of Title, and proof of insurance.

Please note that these instructions serve as a general guide and it is advisable to consult the Maine BMV website or contact them directly at their helpline for specific and up-to-date instructions on signing a vehicle title when selling private party in Maine.

Maine Department of Motor Vehicles